1.The President of the Club does not have Executive Privilege.  All Officers and Board of Directors are equal in the respect that they each get one vote.


2. An Officer of the Board cannot nominate himself or herself for re-election or make a nomination on behalf of the slate of Officers. That nomination needs to come from an independent Board member and be annually voted on by the entire board at the September meeting.


3. Officer Progression of the Club is as follows: Sergeant of Arms, Treasurer/Secretary, Vice President, President. However, the Board can vote to not have an officer progress to a higher position and/or vote to remove an Officer in the event that Officer has repeatedly violated the By-Laws, the Club Traditions, their fiduciary duties or not conducted themselves in an appropriate manner.


4. Officers are elected for a one-year term, to be voted on an annual basis at the September meeting for the October 1-September 30, term.  In order to provide continuity and avoid constant turnover, Officers traditionally serve 3 consecutive terms but the Board can vote to terminate their term or extend their term, for cause.


5. The Vice President is responsible for pulling the event permits with the State.


6. All potential Board of Director candidates should have proven themselves by volunteering at Club events and attending Board meetings, prior to being considered as a candidate by the nominating committee.


7. All Board of Directors and Officers of the Board need to comply with the By-Laws, the Mission Statement of Club and make a concerted effort to obey all State Park rules and guidelines. Officers and Board of Directors are held to a higher standard of conduct in regards to issues of inurement, fiduciary duties and need to set an exemplary standard for all Club members and beach goers to go by.


8. Officers, Board of Directors, and Chairs of events are required to pay the same event entry fees and merchandise costs as all other members. They are not allowed to give gifts to each other, waive contest fees, or waive merchandise fees. This a violation of the By-Laws and constitutes inurement.


9.  All Officers and Board of Directors are elected to represent what is in the best interest of the Club and the entire beach.  Personal views, political views and favoritism has to be put aside in order to represent the entire interest of the membership.


10. The Vice President chooses the recipient for the Spirit Award and presents the award to that individual at the annual club surfing contest.


11. The State has been very generous in granting the Club special privileges in exchange for the volunteer work we do.  Abusing those privileges and trust could jeopardize that relationship for future generations. 


12. Plants and Construction.  It is okay to maintain what is currently there by raking, pruning, and general clean-up.  Watering plants during a drought and using extra water during a drought is not being a responsible custodian of the natural resources. Nothing new is to be brought down to the beach or planted, nor should the current footprint be expanded. Major repairs to the shacks, Volleyball courts, and other projects must be approved by the State.  No furniture or personal items are intentionally allowed to be left at the beach.


13. Parking is on a first-come, first serve basis: No saving spaces, parking diagonally, or blocking spaces.